Cherry Grove Fishing Pier by Night
This shot of the Cherry Grove Fishing Pier at the Prince Resort was taken in the morning of September 2019 well before sunrise. It was the last time I was at the beach. We gave up on our spring 2020 trip. We’ll see about September 2021.
This print was created from an image made in September 2019 at Cherry Grove Pier in North Myrtle Beach, SC.

Sandbridge Beauty
This young girl enjoys the awesome beauty of sunrise at Sandbridge Beach. This print was created from an image made in August 2021 near the “Sanctuary at False Cape” condos just outside of the Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Sandbridge, VA.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC. All rights reserved.
August 2021
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Sandbridge Pier
Walking the beach at Sandbridge you will come across this fishing pier. The fishermen get here early – before sunrise and fish most of the day. It’s a beautiful place. The morning colors are unpredictable but never disappoint. This print was created from an image made in October 2020 near Backbay National Wildlife Refuge, Sandbridge, VA.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC. All rights reserved.
October 2020
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Morning at Acadia
I had taken this image a year ago and just now am getting around to editing it. It is somewhere in Acadia National Park, but I had forgotten exactly where this was taken. I normally edit the easy ones and the best ones first. I missed this one. Being locked down has me reviewing older images and seeing what I can do with them. This one turned out pretty good, I think.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
October 2019
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

The Dune
Walking the beach at Sandbridge you will come across a fishing pier. To the left of the fishing pier there are large sand dunes franking each side of the entrance. The morning colors are unpredictable but never disappoint. Fall in Sandbridge, VA is the best time. This image was made in early October.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC. All rights reserved.
October 2020
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Fishing the Pier at Sandbridge
Walking the beach at Sandbridge you will come across this fishing pier. The fishermen get here early – before sunrise and fish most of the day. It’s a beautiful place. The morning colors are unpredictable but never disappoint. This print was created from an image made in October 2020 near Backbay National Wildlife Refuge, Sandbridge, VA.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC. All rights reserved.
October 2020
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Bye Bye Starfish
This starfish gets reclaimed by the ocean on Little Island in Sandbridge, VA. This print was created from an image made in November 2020 on the ocean at Little Island near the Backbay National Wildlife Refuge.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC. All rights reserved.
November 2020
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

This is a November sunset on Back Bay in Sandbridge, VA. It’s absolutely breath taking to see this in person. The moon is waxing and isn’t casting as much light as a full moon would, so the blue sky color really stands out. This print was created from an image made in November 2020 near Backbay National Wildlife Refuge, Sandbridge, VA.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC. All rights reserved.
November 2020
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Kennebunkport Charm
This image made in Kennebunkport, Maine.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
October 2019
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

All Calm on Kennebunk River
This image of the red fishing boat was made behind the Nonantum Resort in Kennebunkport, Maine. It was anchored in the Kennebunk River on this splendid fall evening. No need to lock your boats in Kennebunkport.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
October 2019
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Sunrise at the Pier
What a difference a couple of months makes. This shot of the Cherry Grove Fishing Pier at the Prince Resort was taken in the morning of September 2019. It was the last time I was at the beach. We gave up on our spring 2020 trip. We’ll see about September 2020.
This print was created from an image made in September 2019 at Cherry Grove Pier in North Myrtle Beach, SC.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC. All rights reserved.
September 2019
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Morning on Eagle Lake
It’s early October in Acadia National Park, Maine. This photograph was made along the shore of Eagle Lake in the morning.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
October 2019
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Flying Dutchman of Kennebunkport
This image of the Flying Dutchman fishing boat was made behind the Nonantum Resort in Kennebunkport, Maine. It was anchored in the Kennebunk River on this splendid fall morning. No need to lock your boats in Kennebunkport.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
October 2019
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Smoky Mountains Sunset
This image was made along the Roaring Fork nature trail in the Great Smoky Mountains outside of Gatlinburg, TN.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
July 2019
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Sunset – The Smokies
This image was made along the Roaring Fork nature trail in the Great Smoky Mountains outside of Gatlinburg, TN.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
July 2019
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

OBX Fantasy Beach
While our group of photographers was shooting the far side of the pier at Fish Heads Bar & Grill, I went around to the other side. I found this fence that was casting interesting reflections and decided to photograph it. The moon, added later in postprocessing, made the scene even more appealing to me.
This image was created with a Nikon D850 camera and a Nikkor 24-70mm f2.8 lens on the beach at Fish Heads Bar & Grill in North Carolina. The image was made in May 2019.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
May 2019
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

This image was created with a Nikon D850 camera and a Nikkor 24-70mm f2.8 lens on the beach next to Fish Heads Bar and Grill on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The image was made in May 2019.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
May 2019
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Bodie Light at Night
This lighthouse was built in 1872. It is 170 feet tall and is located on the Roanoke Soundside of the first island that is part of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore. The lighthouse is just south of Nags Head, a few miles before Oregon Inlet. There are 214 steps that spiral to the top. The lighthouse is one of only a dozen remaining tall, brick tower lighthouses in the United States.
This print was created from an image made in May 2019 at Bodie lighthouse, south of Nags Head, NC.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
May 2019
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Howison Hill
After our surprise snow in December 2018, I took this shot of the Howison Hill cannon emplacement in the Fredericksburg Battlefield Park – 156-years after the cannons thundered. It was just after sunrise. A section of the park was closed but this section of the park isn’t gated. Not many people out this morning as schools were closed and many businesses delayed opening – a great time for photography.
In December 1862, two weeks of Union delay before the Battle of Fredericksburg gave the Confederate Army time to bring up large cannons rarely seen on other battlefields in Virginia. The gun emplacements in the photograph protected a large siege gun located on Lee’s Hill, capable of firing a 30-pound shell nearly two miles. Ten men operated the cannon; typically, a gun like this would fire a round every five minutes.
As they awaited battle, Confederate cannoneers cut down trees and carefully calculated the range to likely areas of Union attack. When the fighting started on December 13, 1862, the Confederate guns here on Howison Hill fired rhythmically on Union columns in front of Marye’s Heights. The crossfire from Howison Hill added horror to an already impossible Union task.
This print was created from an image made in December 2018 in the Fredericksburg Battlefield Park.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
December 2018
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Snow at Rose Mount Farm
After the first snow of January 2019, I was out early on Sunday morning taking snow pictures before things were ruined by tracks and footprints. Snow is magical for making compositions were none existed only hours before. This shot taken from just off the road at Rose Mount Farm in Spotsylvania County, Virginia.
This print was created from an image made in January 2019 near Fredericksburg, VA.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
January 2019
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Winter at Rose Mount Farm
After the first snow of January 2019, I was out early on Sunday morning taking snow pictures before things were ruined by tracks and footprints. Snow is magical for making compositions were none existed only hours before. This shot taken from just off the road at Rose Mount Farm in Spotsylvania County, Virginia.
This print was created from an image made in January 2019 near Fredericksburg, VA.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
January 2019
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Peaks of Otter Lodge
This image of Peaks of Otter Lodge was created in October 2018 from atop Sharp Top Mountain. Peaks of Otter Lodge is located on the Blueridge Parkway at milepost 86, approximately 25 miles North East of Roanoke, VA.
You can hike to the top of Sharp Top or take a shuttle to within 1,500 feet on the summit – your choice. Let’s see - 25 pounds of camera gear in my pack, 15 minutes by shuttle or …. 90 minutes of hiking (one way!) – let me think, let me think? We took the shuttle, then hiked to the summit. We made a good decision. It was very windy this day, making panorama photography difficult. I was most worried about me getting blown off the mountain that day, let alone my camera and tripod. Regardless, I was able to get this focus stacked image of the mountain and lodge. Other, more capable hikers, who can make the hike before sunrise, are treated to spectacular sunrises.
This print was created from an image made in October 2018 at the Sharp Top Mountain in Virginia.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
October 2018
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Falling Water Stream
This image along the Fallingwater Cascades Trail was created in October 2018. The trail head is located on the Skyline Drive at milepost 83.4, near Peaks of Otter Lodge.
This print was created from an image made in October 2018 at Dark Hollow Falls in Virginia.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
October 2018
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Cherry Grove Dog Walk
On a good morning Cherry Grove Beach looks like this at sunrise. Because of Eastern Daylight Savings Time, it isn’t very early, either. This shot taken at 7:19 AM -- a great time to walk the dog.
This print was created from an image made in September 2018 at Cherry Grove Pier in Cherry Grove Beach, SC.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
September 2018
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Buxton Jetty at Hatteras Light House
Buxton jetty was built in the 1960’s to protect the Hatteras Lighthouse from erosion. In 1999 the lighthouse was moved to its present location, 2,900 feet from where it stood since 1870.
This location is a favorite for surfers and has hosted numerous US Surfing Championships. The jetty is largely responsible for creating resilient sandbars and favorable surf dynamics.
This print was created from an image made in August 2018 at Buxton Beach on Hatteras Island, NC.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
August 2018
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Hatteras Lighthouse
Congress authorized the construction of the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse in 1794. The lighthouse originally stood at 90 feet tall and was later extended to 150 ft before being torn down altogether. A newer 208 ft lighthouse was constructed in 1869 and completed a year later. In 1999, at a cost of nearly $10M, the lighthouse was moved to its present location, 2,900 feet from where it stood since 1870. During the Civil War, the Confederacy contemplated destroying the Lighthouse in order to derail a Union invasion by sea, but instead decided to remove the tower’s light.
This shot was taken in August 2018 after Sunset. Much time spent waiting for the clouds to color-up that evening, but this was at the peak of the orange background.
This print was created from an image made in August 2018 at Buxton Beach on Hatteras Island, NC.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
August 2018
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Bodie Lighthouse
This lighthouse was built in 1872. It is 170 feet tall and is located on the Roanoke Soundside of the first island that is part of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore. The lighthouse is just south of Nags Head, a few miles before Oregon Inlet. There are 214 steps that spiral to the top. The lighthouse is one of only a dozen remaining tall, brick tower lighthouses in the United States.
This print was created from an image made in August 2018 at Bodie lighthouse, south of Nags Head, NC.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
August 2018
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Jockeying for Position
This shot taken at the evening sailboat race on Wednesday, July 18, 2018 at Herrington Harbor. I believe Jubilee has the right of way. Jockeying for position at the start of a sailboat race is always an interesting and, for most, a stressful event.
This print was created from an image made in July 2018 at the Herrington Harbor, MD sailboat races.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
July 2018
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Longwood Christmas Loom
This image was made at Longwood Gardens at night during the Christmas season. The view is from the upper deck of the Conservatory. Night photography presents things a little differently from how our eyes see them. The camera integrates all sources of light over a much longer period of time than our eye, in this case several seconds, and an image is produced based upon all the light collected over that extended period of time. Our eye would not see as much color in the sky (likely produced by a nearby town), nor would the indirect lighting in the trees be as pronounced.
This print was created from an image made in December 2018 at Longwood Gardens.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
December 2018
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Prospect Hill
This cannon sits atop Prospect Hill. In December 1862, 14 such cannons were positioned here by General “Stonewall” Jackson. These cannons and a reserve force of Confederate soldiers, approximately a mile deep, repelled Northern soldiers’ attempt to break through.
The park is a wonderful place to visit and a good place to ride bicycle or jog. The road is covered by thick trees, so in summer, the temperature is at least five-degrees cooler than outside the park. I don’t even bother with sun screen if I’m riding in the park – it’s that protected. Too bad we can’t do something about our Virginia summer humidity.
This print was created from an image made November 2018 in Fredericksburg, VA.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
November 2018
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Flat Top
This image of Peaks of Otter Lodge with Flat Top Mountain in the background was created in October 2018. Abbott Lake is in the foreground. Abbott Lake is manmade, completed in the mid 1960’s after Peaks of Otter Lodge was built. The lake is named after Stanley Abbott, the Blue Ridge Parkway's first landscape architect and the man largely responsible for designing the Parkway.
This print was created from an image made in October 2018 at the Abbott Lake at the Peaks of Otter recreational area in Virginia.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
October 2018
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Cannon at the Ready
This cannon sits atop Prospect Hill. In December 1862, 14 such cannons were positioned here by General “Stonewall” Jackson. These cannons and a reserve force of Confederate soldiers, approximately a mile deep, repelled Northern soldiers’ attempt to break through.
COPYRIGHT: V-Poly Design, LLC.
November 2017
Buddy Lauer, Fredericksburg, VA

Peaks of Otter Morning